Sunday, January 22, 2006

A brief history of my career, Pt. 1: The Beginning.

"I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up. I mean, it's high time I start planning my future. I'm just about finished with kindergarten, and with Grade 1 starting up in the fall, people are gonna want to know."

My formative years were plagued with questions about my future. Typical Scorpio, I've always felt the need to be in control of my life. I can remember being so young and spending countless hours weighing the pro's and con's of a wide variety of career choices: If I were a doctor I could help myself get better if I got sick . . . oh, but blood makes me queasy. If I were an actor I'd probably get to see all the movies I wanted to for free and I bet I'd make hundreds of dollars . . . oh, but what if they made me kiss a girl? EEEEEWWWW! If I were an author I could write all sorts of interesting stories . . . oh, but I can't even write my own name yet. Bother, life decisions are hard when you're only 5 years old.

But then, it happened! We were having an activity day for all the grade 1 students. The theme today was "Fairy Tales" (a personal favourite for the cute little homo in brown plaid). We randomly raced from activity center to activity center completing the mindless tasks that were asked of us: Decorate Cinderella's slipper; build a house for the 3 little pigs with lego; make porridge for Goldilocks. A perfect day of school, if you ask me. I ran around the lower level of JH Sissons Elementary squealing like a schoolgirl every time I got one task completed and got it checked off by either Mrs. Morris or Mrs. Berry. I was almost done.

I was just about to complete the list and, Heavens to Betsy, I think I'll be first. Oh imagine the glory that would behold me. I'd be the envy of all the others in the three classrooms that made up my grade. I'd be the most popular girl in school! The world would be mine! Next on the list, 'Braid Rapunzels hair'. Easy enough. I've seen Mommy Dearest braid my sisters’ hair almost daily. I'd be done in seconds.

'Start with 2 sections and twist. Hmmmmm, no, that’s not working. Maybe I'll twist the other way. No, that didn't work either. There's got to be something wrong with this yarn. C'mon Lance, the others are gonna see you doing it wrong and they'll all laugh at you. You can do this one. 2 sections - twist. Of course, it should be 4 sections. Shit, that didn't work either.' Okay, so apparently I couldn't braid. Somehow I was genetically unable to form the same hairstyle that made it possible for Prince Charming to rescue the real Rapunzel. I had to do the unthinkable . . . I asked for help. Mrs. Berry came over and showed me the secret that has been passed down from X chromosome to X chromosome for millenia . . . 3 Sections. Now that I had this figured out I was able to complete the activity effortlessly.

I ran home after school and showed Mommy Dearest what I had learned. Then my sister. Then my sisters Barbie collection. I would become a braiding master; it was written in the stars. The next day at school I offered complimentary braiding services to all of my girl friends (note that was 2 separate words). This went on for months.

I had found my calling.
I was going to be a hairdresser!
To be continued . . . . .


Blogger Lance Morrison said...

Yeah, not too bad, huh? I wish I still had that shirt. It would be perfect for line dancing class. Maybe a bit tight.

January 23, 2006 8:56 AM  
Blogger With Love, Fat Girl said...

Since when were you predisposed to wearing tight clothes?

Thanks for the linkage, monkey! Now do you want to show my technologically inept ass how to add your link to my site? Cheers!

January 23, 2006 9:56 AM  
Blogger With Love, Fat Girl said...

Almost forgot - fantastic post, I'm reading it at work and trying not to howl with laughter. Excellent writing too... when you're done with showing me how to link, want to show me how to braid what's on my head? It may have been passed down from X chromosome to X chromosome for generations, but I forcibly grew up with (gasp) SHORT HAIR!!!

January 23, 2006 10:04 AM  
Blogger Robert Mitchell L.L. said... are too cute! Like a posterchild for BrokeBack mountain the formative years!

January 23, 2006 12:17 PM  
Blogger glasshill said...

slippers are easy - its braiding that's tough (I have two girls with L O N G hair)

and yes bring colour, lots of different ones - I'll meet you at the airport Sunday then? I'll be the unfortunate one with her hair in a ponytail.....

ps very cute pic! you must have been the most popular girl....

January 24, 2006 12:31 PM  
Blogger Lance Morrison said...

Must have been....? I still am!

January 24, 2006 1:39 PM  
Blogger Lance Morrison said...

Fat girl,
Call me on my cell (you can get the number from your sister) or at the salon and we'll exchange emails.
I'm not sure exactly how explain how to do the linking thing, but I can email you the code, and all you have to do is change the words. Really easy actually.
I'll put instructions in the email and it should only take a few minutes. You'll also be able to set links for all your friends and dirty porno sites you like to frequent.

January 24, 2006 5:52 PM  

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