Monday, January 16, 2006

Here we go again....

Just over three years ago, I had a great roommate who was a nurse / personal trainer. When I realized how much weight I had gained in the previous year, I decided that I would enlist her help and get back on track. Twelve weeks later I was about 25lbs lighter and, for the first time in my life, possessed a little thing called 'definition'.

Well over the past three years I've maintained my body size, but haven’t really advanced at all. I've convinced myself that I'm just skinny and slim and will never really be able to change that; It's Gods Devine plan, or something. But, apparently I'm just lazy!

I'm back at the gym after a 3 month hiatus, and have been challenged to put on 15lbs. Easy, I thought. Quarter pounder w/ cheese. Supersized fries. Vat of wine. Heck, I could even go for 20! Oh . . . they meant 15lbs in muscle. Oh bother, this is beginning to sound like work.

Enter Cousin Julie (Personal trainer; Good friend; Sister of The Boyfriend; Not my real cousin). Cousin Julie has agreed to take me on as a client. Poor dear, she has no idea she's just signed up for 5 months of constant phone calls and text messaging. . . 'I'm not getting any bigger!', 'Am I allowed eat this?', 'I don't wanna do legs today!', 'Why can't I just take steroids?'; 'This Dr. Ho might just be on to something!' To hell with it. I suppose I'll just do the work.

So I write it down here for everyone to read. I am giving myself 21 weeks ('bout 5 months) to build up as much size as possible. My goal is about 10lbs, but we're focusing more on size than we are weight (Typical fag . . . always going for size).

I will regularly update all my measures (let's say every 4 weeks or so) and possibly add a photo or two. So, without any further ado, here are the opening measurements of my lovely manly lumps:

Chest: 37 inches
Shoulders: 43 inches
Arms: (Right) 11.75 inches (Left) 12 inches
Waist: 34 inches (This one is okay to go down)
Hips: 38.75 inches
Thighs: 22.25 inches
Calves: 15 inches

Fingers crossed! Of course, there is a possibility of laziness taking over and me just deleting this entire post one day as I sit down with my Quarter Pounder w/Cheese, Supersized fries and a vat of wine.


Blogger Lance Morrison said...

I knew that it would be you who was gonna write that. I was thinking about putting something about that on, but decided against it.
It's not that Julie can't help with that, it's just that she doesn't need to.

January 17, 2006 9:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AHAHAHA! Your right arm is 3/4 of an inch smaller then your left ... OMG you must be SO embarassed!

And now you can add meas 37-34-39 to your playgirl pictorial. I think that's close to Pam Anderson if i'm not mistaken.

January 17, 2006 4:39 PM  
Blogger Lance Morrison said...

Mommy Dearest? You only let us call you that when we used wire hangers.
Are you really coming to visit? Really? Will you be here for your Birthday? HOORAH!!!!!!!

January 18, 2006 12:03 AM  
Blogger Lance Morrison said...

HOORAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have to let me know the dates and I will book off work. Hmmmm, why are we using this comment post to communicate, when we can just talk on the phone? Silly us!

January 18, 2006 1:13 AM  

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