Sunday, January 28, 2007

When Enough is Enough, You Have To Move On!

After months of headaches and grief, I have finally had enough. I’ve been living with his moodiness and tantrums for too long now, and it’s finally going to be over. I am tired of constant yelling, headaches and frustration. It’s done. I give up!

Not to say that it’s over for good, but I’m just sending him away for a bit to get better, and I will not let him back into my home until he learns to treat me with the respect I deserve… after all I’ve done for him over the past three years. I’ve tried to fix our problems myself, but he is completely unresponsive. I’m breaking down and insisting on professional help.

Yes people, you heard me. You’ve heard me talking about our problems in the past. But too many times I’ve been fooled into thinking “This time. Yes, this time things will be different. Things are all fixed, and there will be no more problems!” Well don’t I have egg on my face now.

So today I am finally giving in. I am throwing in the towel and giving up...

My computer is going into the shop for repairs.

By tomorrow night I should have a smooth running laptop that doesn’t crash and burn every time I try and do… anything. It’ll be just like it was in the old days, when we were both so young and fresh.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Confessions of a Suburban HouseHusband-Pt. Three: Telemarketers Most Foul.

Normally, I don’t really mind telemarketers. I usually listen to their spiel then tell them I don’t really need one/already have one/already support/etc. A few times, when asked to take part in a survey, I have asked them to call me back in twenty minutes when I had time… and when they call back, I answer and take the survey. I am most polite that way.

Well, lately, I have begun to get upset with the discrimination that I have been facing from said telemarketers. Everyday, I answer at least two phone calls from telemarketers for the boyfriend.

Me: “Good morning.”
Them: “Good morning sir. Is Mr. Jones home?” (I have changed The Boyfriends last name to something more generic to protect out anonymity.)
Me: “I’m sorry. He’s at work.”
Them: “Is there a Mrs. Jones?”
Me: “Well, there's no Mrs. Jones, but I am his partner.”
Them: “Nevermind. We’ll call back.”

WHAT THE F*CK?!!??! If they are okay to talk to his wife, why not me? I’m the one that washes and irons his underpants.

Once, about a week ago, the call came from a really queeny gay sounding man, and even he did the same thing. I wanted to say, “Look here Mister Sister! I’m your brethren… what gives?”… but then I didn’t. I was already running late for work, and didn’t have time for his shtick anyway.

Maybe, just maybe, if I start wearing a wig I can get the respect a Suburban HouseHusband deserves!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Inconvenient Truths

I love The National (for those of you that are not familiar with it, The National is The CBC’s nightly news program.). LOVE it. I’ll admit that I have been not watching it as much as I used to… say about 10 times in the past three years, but I still love it.

There’s no celebrity gossip. No cheesy anchor-persons. Just Peter. That’s really all we need. Peter and a complete range of Canadian news… not entirely focused on one part of Canada and neglecting others.

Just tonight I mentioned to The Boyfriend that I wanted to start watching it more often… like a few times a week at least. I miss being in the know. So tonight we shared the TV and switched between “Ladykillers” and The National.

Very interesting instalment of The National tonight. Most of the show was dedicated to Canada’s weird weather this winter.

Also for those of you who may not be familiar, Canada has been having wild weather this winter. Everywhere, from coast to coast to coast. Where is should be raining, it’s snowing. Where there should be snow, we have rain. Even where weather is ‘right’ the temperatures are way above average.

This is a five minute clip from tonight’s broadcast. It mentions a bit of Elsmere Island (high in the arctic) that broke off a year and a half ago. Not too big of a piece… just the SIZE OF MANHATTAN!!!! It just broke off and melted into the Arctic Ocean.

You may need to have Real Media Player to watch it, but if this link doesn’t work, you can find it on the CBC Website at

No. No. You’re right. There’s no such thing as climate change.


Happy Blog-iversary To Me!

Oh my gosh... I just realized that today is my Blog-iversary. One year to the day of my first post on Blogger. What a year it has been!

Here, in a brief summary (and an idea I have stolen from Lisa) is the first sentence of each months first post (is that even good English?)

January 2006: My friend, cell phone boy, has a perfect roommate.

February 2006: Wow! I got off to such a good start with this whole blogging thing, and now . . . now it's all shit.

March 2006: I just saw the most disgusting thing on the bus this morning.

April 2006: “It’s not you, it’s me!”

May 2006: The love, The echoes of long ago, You needed the world to know, They are in Xanadu.

June 2006: Yeah, so it’s been a while.

July 2006: Inspired be Fat Girl’s post about knowing what you want to be when you grow up, I thought I’d share some musings of my own.

August 2006: I found a fun website yesterday.

September 2006: Special Post Note: All time breaks will be noted with ************.

October 2006: Receptionist: Hey Lancey. There’s a call for you on line 1.

November 2006: Hi, How are you?

December 2006: Grey’s Anatomy is over.

January 2007: You know how it is when, say, you’re really dedicated with going to the gym for so long and then you take one day off… then the next… then another… and the next thing you know you’re living in a trailer park and craving Country & Western music?

Lesson From a 15 Year Old Girl.

“It’s difficult in times like these: ideals, dreams, and cherished hopes rise within us, only to be crushed by grim reality. It’s a wonder I haven’t abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart.

It’s utterly impossible for me to build my life on a foundation of chaos, suffering and death. I see the world slowly transformed into a wilderness, I hear the approaching thunder that, one day, will destroy us too, I feel the suffering of millions. And yet, when I look up at the sky, I somehow feel that everything will change for the better, that this cruelty will too will end, that peace and tranquility will return once more. In the meantime, I must hold on to my ideals. Perhaps the day will come when I’ll be able to realize them!”

Yours, Anne M. Frank

That was an excerpt from The Diary of a Young Girl, by Anne Frank; the last two chapters from Anne’s third last entry written July 15, 1944. Two and a half weeks later, Anne and the seven other people were arrested and taken out of their secret annex where they had been in hiding for more than two years and put into concentration camps.

It seemed so powerful to me, that after living 25 months in a small attic with 7 other people, without the option of going outside, being at the mercy of their helpers, feeding off scarce rations of food that had often begun to rot, Anne still had a drive and hopes of a brighter future when they would be liberated. She often wrote about the trials and tribulations of life in The Secret Annex, but never gave up hope for herself, her family and all of humanity.

A lesson for all of us, maybe?

In March of 1945, nine months after she was arrested, Anne Frank died of typhus at Bergen-Belsen. Roughly one month before that concentration camp was liberated by British troops.

She was fifteen years old.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


You know how it is when, say, you’re really dedicated with going to the gym for so long and then you take one day off… then the next… then another… and the next thing you know you’re living in a trailer park and craving Country & Western music?

Well, that’s kinda what happened to me with my blog. I had the greatest intentions of finishing my “Seven Days of Christmas Songs” series, but just got so busy the days before that it went the way of the dodo bird. Then I wanted to write amusing Xmas stories, but… again with the dodo. And so it began.

I’ve been aloof. I’ve been absent. But I really do have some ideas that I’ve been working on. I promise a good one tomorrow.

Until then…