Inconvenient Truths
I love The National (for those of you that are not familiar with it, The National is The CBC’s nightly news program.). LOVE it. I’ll admit that I have been not watching it as much as I used to… say about 10 times in the past three years, but I still love it.
There’s no celebrity gossip. No cheesy anchor-persons. Just Peter. That’s really all we need. Peter and a complete range of Canadian news… not entirely focused on one part of Canada and neglecting others.
Just tonight I mentioned to The Boyfriend that I wanted to start watching it more often… like a few times a week at least. I miss being in the know. So tonight we shared the TV and switched between “Ladykillers” and The National.
Very interesting instalment of The National tonight. Most of the show was dedicated to Canada’s weird weather this winter.
Also for those of you who may not be familiar, Canada has been having wild weather this winter. Everywhere, from coast to coast to coast. Where is should be raining, it’s snowing. Where there should be snow, we have rain. Even where weather is ‘right’ the temperatures are way above average.
This is a five minute clip from tonight’s broadcast. It mentions a bit of Elsmere Island (high in the arctic) that broke off a year and a half ago. Not too big of a piece… just the SIZE OF MANHATTAN!!!! It just broke off and melted into the Arctic Ocean.
You may need to have Real Media Player to watch it, but if this link doesn’t work, you can find it on the CBC Website at
No. No. You’re right. There’s no such thing as climate change.
There’s no celebrity gossip. No cheesy anchor-persons. Just Peter. That’s really all we need. Peter and a complete range of Canadian news… not entirely focused on one part of Canada and neglecting others.
Just tonight I mentioned to The Boyfriend that I wanted to start watching it more often… like a few times a week at least. I miss being in the know. So tonight we shared the TV and switched between “Ladykillers” and The National.
Very interesting instalment of The National tonight. Most of the show was dedicated to Canada’s weird weather this winter.
Also for those of you who may not be familiar, Canada has been having wild weather this winter. Everywhere, from coast to coast to coast. Where is should be raining, it’s snowing. Where there should be snow, we have rain. Even where weather is ‘right’ the temperatures are way above average.
This is a five minute clip from tonight’s broadcast. It mentions a bit of Elsmere Island (high in the arctic) that broke off a year and a half ago. Not too big of a piece… just the SIZE OF MANHATTAN!!!! It just broke off and melted into the Arctic Ocean.
You may need to have Real Media Player to watch it, but if this link doesn’t work, you can find it on the CBC Website at
No. No. You’re right. There’s no such thing as climate change.
You'd be stunned to have heard the discussion I had with a long-term employee of Environment Canada a while back. The department changes since Harper came in have been frightening. And frankly I'd give a leg to get a massive snowstorm out here.
I can only imagine. I guess people are afraid to bite the hand that feeds them and never realize when they are being fed Sh*t.
Ooops... sorry to any Harper fan's out there.
Apparently now the NDP is in cacus with the Conservatives to come up with some enviromnment solutions... Sounds like a sit-com.
Yeah, the National ROCKS!
Sweetie-pie, dollface, love-love-love of my life (for what...a week?)...I think there's been a teenie-weenie mistake in the weather order this year. I think you guys are supposed to be freezing your tushies off, and we out here in Vancouver are supposed to be basking in temperate climates.
If no one wants to believe in Global Warming, just take a look at the devastation unusual weather patterns has wrought on our crown jewel, Stanley Park. That is NOT normal cyclical weather.
oh Lance, I have completely neglected you! I am surprised you spoke to me...
Canadian sit-coms always were my favourite . . . I still can't bring myself to watch any TV down here - don't talk to me about the "News", I miss the National, and the CBC, although NPR is okay.
alas, I'm slinking off now. unworthy blogger that I am.
Darling, had a FABULOUS time at the party this weekend! We have to do that again sometime!
I know! I'll warm my house!
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