Tuesday, January 09, 2007


You know how it is when, say, you’re really dedicated with going to the gym for so long and then you take one day off… then the next… then another… and the next thing you know you’re living in a trailer park and craving Country & Western music?

Well, that’s kinda what happened to me with my blog. I had the greatest intentions of finishing my “Seven Days of Christmas Songs” series, but just got so busy the days before that it went the way of the dodo bird. Then I wanted to write amusing Xmas stories, but… again with the dodo. And so it began.

I’ve been aloof. I’ve been absent. But I really do have some ideas that I’ve been working on. I promise a good one tomorrow.

Until then…


Blogger KuPu said...

That's okay....I just kept stopping by to see if you stopped by, but it always looked like you didn't and I cried a little, but now I'm okay! LOL!!!!!
Glad that you're back now!

January 10, 2007 7:15 PM  
Blogger glasshill said...

no, I have no idea what that would be like Lance. I always keep up with my blog.... ;-)

and hey a nice trailer it ain't so bad...

January 12, 2007 11:22 PM  

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