Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Birthday with a 'B'!

61 years ago today Liza Minnelli tap danced her way into our hearts and she hasn't been sober since.

Honestly, I jest and poke fun, but it's all harmless. Liza has had such trouble in her life, especially her later years, but she keeps on going. She has such a great stamina and enough endurance to live a thousand lives.

She has quit drinking (“It’s Gatorade... Trust me.”), but the stroke has left her a little worse for wear. Yet years later, I had the chance to see her twice in as many months and she still held her own on the stage. She’s got more energy and pizzazz than most young starlets of our time.

Truly one of the best entertainers of our time, I wish her many more years of fun and laughter.

Happy Birthday Liza.


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