Welcome Home From The Hospital!
Well, I’m up and running again. And better than ever!
Basically, my computer had a virus
(or twelve) and (what I didn’t realize) the cooling fan was completely caked with gunk. Dr. Computer-Fixer-Guy said it had nothing to do with dust… something smaller… particles in the air, cigarette smoke etc. I have no idea, but that is why my computer was crashing... It was too hot.
But now… now it is brilliant. I have great anti-virus software; all sorts of new programs and I have no annoying fan screaming at me every time I try to update my iPod. I also had a lot of work to do…
To fix my computer, Dr. Computer-Fixer-Guy had to erase everything off my computer… all my files and my “hard drive” something and whatever else. Basically he made it just a bunch of wires and their shell. Then he cleaned it out (The fan gunk) and reloaded everything back onto my computer… with extras.
What I didn’t get him to do, was save all my other files for me. For an extra $50, I figured I could go through my photos, music, porn (sorry Mom), and writing and save them myself, which I did the entire week before I sent it away. The computer was gone less than 24hrs, but I had to spent the next week reloading everything back onto my computer… my photo’s, music, porn (sorry Mom) and writing back onto the hard drive.
So now here I am… “new” computer and nothing left to bitch about. But lots to talk about! There have been a few things happening in the last few weeks that I could love to share with you… a few births, a loss, a beard & a trip to the cottage.
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Basically, my computer had a virus

But now… now it is brilliant. I have great anti-virus software; all sorts of new programs and I have no annoying fan screaming at me every time I try to update my iPod. I also had a lot of work to do…
To fix my computer, Dr. Computer-Fixer-Guy had to erase everything off my computer… all my files and my “hard drive” something and whatever else. Basically he made it just a bunch of wires and their shell. Then he cleaned it out (The fan gunk) and reloaded everything back onto my computer… with extras.
What I didn’t get him to do, was save all my other files for me. For an extra $50, I figured I could go through my photos, music, porn (sorry Mom), and writing and save them myself, which I did the entire week before I sent it away. The computer was gone less than 24hrs, but I had to spent the next week reloading everything back onto my computer… my photo’s, music, porn (sorry Mom) and writing back onto the hard drive.
So now here I am… “new” computer and nothing left to bitch about. But lots to talk about! There have been a few things happening in the last few weeks that I could love to share with you… a few births, a loss, a beard & a trip to the cottage.
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sheesh Lance, you PAID someone to do that?? you need a geek in your life. a friend and I just finished reformatting a hard drive on a computer that someone gave me because they couldn't get to "work right" - it zips and purrs beautifully now .... and from now on practice safe computing - that's important, make sure your virus protection (? what is it) covers trojans (NOT those ones!), malware, spyware etc, and for heaven sake keep it up to date and run you now happy computer nice and clean, or you will end up where you were before... sorry lecture over... :-) -- happy computing!
Uh... yeah... after what you did to your mothers computer, I am supposed to trust your advice? Sheesh.
PS: UI am just kidding, you know that right.
. . . *whimper*
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