Look What I Got!!!
I have a niece!
I’m better than everyone
In the whole world, cause
I have a niece!
My family is no good at keeping things secret. You tell one person something and we all just can’t wait to get it out. Usually, we won’t tell the secret, but we will hint and prod… subtlety is not our strong point.
So, many months ago, I get a random email from my mother.
“I can’t say why or anything, but you should email your brother. Right Away!
-Love, Mom”
So I thought to myself right away… “Hmmm. I guess Sister-in-law in pregnant.” Suspicions confirmed about a week later when my brother finally responded to my email.
And now…
Meet Sherra: Princess of all things Morrison. There are already two Princes in our family and now we have our first girl (Present company excluded, of course).
Welcome Sherra. I can’t wait to meet you in a few weeks. And to hold you in my arms. And to tell you how wonderful you are. And to gently kiss your forehead. And to tell you how lucky you are to have such wonderful and loving people as parents… not to mention a pretty fabulous Grandma, Aunt and Uncle (that last one is me). I just can’t wait.
Shit. Now I’m crying.
Lance, Sherra is LOVELY:) She is also very lucky to have such a loving uncle. Congratulations!
If you need ideas for cute baby presents, there's this AWESOME store called Earth Baby that I just got stuff from. Where have you been, by the way?!
Oh by the way, Earth Baby is currently having a 40% off everything sale.
CCG: Thank you and Thank you. I am a bit bias, but I do think she is pretty darn cute.
FG: Do you not read past post's? My 'puter has been away at the hospital so i had no resources to post... and I've been busy. This coming from the girl that never responds to my emails... texts... comments... the list goes on Dear Fat Girl. The list goes on.
congrats! I adore my nieces...
and take easy on FG, Mr never reads my blog anymore, and does read my posts on his.... I accept no excuses.
(watch out, she looks smart....)
(Thanks callooh!)
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