Friday, February 23, 2007

I Got A Hug Today!

Now, you’re probably saying to yourself, “Big deal! Who didn’t get a hug today?” And you’re right. In fact, I got several hugs today myself, but one was special. That one was a real hug.

Gimme a hug. You ARE important to me.” I won’t go into all the details surrounding it, but it meant a lot to me, and the person that gave it to me means a lot to me and I really appreciated it. I cried after I walked out the door.

Why all the fuss? Well, I actually don’t like hugging. Well, truthfully, it’s not that I don’t like hugging; I just don’t like to throw them around a lot. I feel that hugs are super intimate, and that they should be reserved for certain occasion. I think that hugs are just tossed here and there so much that they are beginning to lack in the “Emotions Department”. Maybe it’s just me.

In high school, I was a little more vocal about it, and flat out refused hugs. If someone was coming at me – arms outstretched – I would just hold my hand out in proper ‘Supremes’ fashion and say, “Ah ah ah ah ah… I don’t hug.” Maybe I have a fear of intimacy. Maybe I have emotional difficulties. Or maybe I’m right.

I do enjoy a good hug, just not everyday, twelve times a day.

During my time in Yellowknife, I never hugged my clients, except when I was moving and saying goodbye. Then it felt right- but even then, it was only a few clients that I hugged. Here in Toronto, hugs are almost a law. Every client needs one before they walk down the stairs. I sometimes wonder what would happen if I didn’t; if I ran like Forrest Gump to the other side of the salon and hid by the dryers. What if they fell down the stairs and I had only me to blame.

And then on the social scene; you have a hug when you run into someone. A hug when someone comes over. A hug when they leave. A hug when you’re just running to the bar to get another martini. “I’m going for a pee. Gimme a hug!” The list goes on.

You never see me hug Cell Phone Boy, and he’s my best friend. We’ll hug everyone else at the end of the party, but we give each other a wave and a “Goodnight. Call me tomorrow. We just never have. I can probably count on my fingers the amount of hugs we’ve given each other.

And then there’s John Boy. John Boy is a new addition to our circle of friends; ever since he started dating The Great Scot in November. He’s a great guy and a lot of fun. I really, truly like him… but I’ve never hugged him. Much like Cell Phone Boy, he gets a wave and a “Goodnight. Thanks for coming over / having us over.” I feel bad that I’ve never told him that I am a ‘non-hugger’ at heart. At this point, it would feel odd to start… and that can be added to the fact that a hug is odd for me to begin with. I hope he understands and doesn’t just think I’m a dickhead. Maybe he’s a non-hugger too.

Now, I feel caution setting in as I think about all my friends that read my blog… friends I hug. Please don’t be offended. It’s not you, it’s me. Hugs are expected and given around and it’s really a beautiful thing. They by no means make me uncomfortable (unless they were nude hugs… we all know how I feel about nudity), I am just happy to be with or without them.

I assume that not everyone feels the same way, and most people actually receive some sort of emotional boost after each and every hug. Not me. I like the reserved ones. I like the ones that are perfect for the moment.

I liked when I hugged my friend who just lost her father.

I liked when I hugged The Boyfriend after we got back together.

I liked when I hugged Webbie (a great client, and an even greater friend) after we both cried during a haircut.

I liked when I hugged The Bride just before she walked down the aisle.

I liked when I got my hug tonight.

These are hugs I will remember for the rest of my life.

Thanks for tonight. It meant a lot to me.
I love you.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Just So we're All Clear....

I hate being forced to do things.

I'm a guy. Gay or not, I am a guy. And guys, as a group / not a rule, are not all that open to change. After 150 posts (hey... this is #150 for me!!!) I have been forced into switching and opening up a google account... or something. I'm not all that sure what I've done, but I put my name here and there and typed a password or something. Anyway... I hate that I was forced into it.

For months, has been asking me to switch and I just kindly said, "No thank you" and we went about our merry way... until tonight. I was just trying to upload that cute, innocent Valentines Day article, and it took me ten minutes to figure out what the heck was going on.

I'm sure that the "NEW" Blogger is infinitely better and there are all sort of bells and whilstles included, but I don't feel the need for all that. I want to have the choice. If I am not going to be using said bells and whistles, why do I need to get a Google or Gmail password? I am trying to simplify my life, not make it more complicated with all sorts of new posting... thingy's and what-not.

I would assume that Google just bought out Blogger, but then why is it that when I am typing this post, the word "Google" still comes up as misspelled?

Ahhhh. Just venting, that's all. Back to Kids in the Hall.

Vanentine's Day Giggle!

(Click Image to Enlarge)

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Look What I Got!!!

I have a niece!
I have a niece!
I’m better than everyone
In the whole world, cause
I have a niece!

My family is no good at keeping things secret. You tell one person something and we all just can’t wait to get it out. Usually, we won’t tell the secret, but we will hint and prod… subtlety is not our strong point.

So, many months ago, I get a random email from my mother.

I can’t say why or anything, but you should email your brother. Right Away!
-Love, Mom

So I thought to myself right away… “Hmmm. I guess Sister-in-law in pregnant.” Suspicions confirmed about a week later when my brother finally responded to my email.

And now…

Meet Sherra: Princess of all things Morrison. There are already two Princes in our family and now we have our first girl (Present company excluded, of course).

Welcome Sherra. I can’t wait to meet you in a few weeks. And to hold you in my arms. And to tell you how wonderful you are. And to gently kiss your forehead. And to tell you how lucky you are to have such wonderful and loving people as parents… not to mention a pretty fabulous Grandma, Aunt and Uncle (that last one is me). I just can’t wait.

Shit. Now I’m crying.

Welcome Home From The Hospital!

Well, I’m up and running again. And better than ever!

Basically, my computer had a virus (or twelve) and (what I didn’t realize) the cooling fan was completely caked with gunk. Dr. Computer-Fixer-Guy said it had nothing to do with dust… something smaller… particles in the air, cigarette smoke etc. I have no idea, but that is why my computer was crashing... It was too hot.

But now… now it is brilliant. I have great anti-virus software; all sorts of new programs and I have no annoying fan screaming at me every time I try to update my iPod. I also had a lot of work to do…

To fix my computer, Dr. Computer-Fixer-Guy had to erase everything off my computer… all my files and my “hard drive” something and whatever else. Basically he made it just a bunch of wires and their shell. Then he cleaned it out (The fan gunk) and reloaded everything back onto my computer… with extras.

What I didn’t get him to do, was save all my other files for me. For an extra $50, I figured I could go through my photos, music, porn (sorry Mom), and writing and save them myself, which I did the entire week before I sent it away. The computer was gone less than 24hrs, but I had to spent the next week reloading everything back onto my computer… my photo’s, music, porn (sorry Mom) and writing back onto the hard drive.

So now here I am… “new” computer and nothing left to bitch about. But lots to talk about! There have been a few things happening in the last few weeks that I could love to share with you… a few births, a loss, a beard & a trip to the cottage.

Read on…