Friday, June 23, 2006

Whatever, whatever! I Can Do What I Want!

Okay. So, by “I’m Baaaaaaaaaaaack!” I did in fact mean that I’m back into blogging. However, I never promised that I’d be back to a fast start.

I had the urge to get right back into this, but I have been so out of practice, that I’ve forgotten to sit down and do it. However, I shall give you a brief run down of my past few months…..

- Broke up with The Boyfriend. Broken hearted. Cried. Squish squish, Darling. Squish squish.
- Started having the occasional cigarette, now and then.
- Celebrated Cell Phone Boy, The Halfaneese and Her Royal Pinkness’ birthdays.
- Was named in 'Fashion' Magazine as one of Toronto's 25 Top colourists.
- Had a visit from Mom (#2- Jerry).
- Emotions ran deep and had a few fallings-out with good friends… all patched up now.
- Had a visit from The German Surgeon.
- Went to 5 screenings at the Insideout Toronto Gay & Lesbian Film Festival. Most notable movies being little man & Another Gay Movie .
- Spent a lot of time with my good friend Leela
- Have been going full force with workouts and diet. Actually went THREE FULL WEEKS without meat (except fish/seafood), carbs (cheated occasionally) or booze (cheated more than occasionally, but not a lot). Updates and measurements soon.
- Puppy-sat Jasper three times.
- Was offered 7th row tickets to see Madonna in Montreal, including VIP passes to a Madonna Party afterwards at ‘Parking’, where (rumour has it) Esther, herself, would be in attendance.
- Found out my Mom (#1- Bio-Mom) was not going to be able to come visit. Major surgery and a blood pressure measuring something near 200, apparently, mean no travel.
- Got back together with The Boyfriend (A LOT more on this one later!!!!)
- Turned down said Madonna tickets.
- Now we’re into Gay Pride Week Festivities.

So much to write about. So much to mention. So much to foreshadow. It’s all too much for one homosexual.

Where should I begin? Should I just start fresh; consider this the lowdown and continue on? Or need I elaborate on some of the finer points?

Decisions. Decisions.


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