Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Thanks to all of you for your kind words, emails, text messages, and phone calls. I’m not sure what tomorrow will bring, but I’m really trying hard to get through these hard times, and see the sun shining through the clouds.

I will get through this, and I appreciate all the love you've shown me. I may be distant for a while, and I may be unavailable, but know that you will always be in my heart.

Lend a helping hand to each other.
Be kind to each other.
Love each other.
Love Yourselves.

See you soon,


Blogger With Love, Fat Girl said...

Hi monkey, I just heard the news and what can I say... life hands us lemons for a reason sometimes? I know what you're feeling, even just a bit, that it will be hard, that it gets easier... there are a lot of things I can say or not say, but bottom line, you're such a fantastic person and you don't deserve unhappiness of any kind. I'm really sorry.

On the other hand, don't be silent for too long. If anything helped me, it was writing it down. xoxoxo if you need anything you know where I am.

April 26, 2006 8:42 PM  

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