Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Dollie Weirdness

Several weeks back, I got an email from Christini Martini:

oh my god check out these websites. These 2 gay hotties living in Greece who play with dolls and customize their hair and put them in their underpants...

Very bizarre even for me. Might be good blog material for you though

Intrigued, I checked out The Website, and she was right. Very Bizarre. Very good blog material. I needed the past month to digest this info, try to figure out what I was looking at and let it all sink in.

So these two grown men… play with dolls… collect them… do their hair… make videos… even a Dollie Blog! All sorts of Dollie Weirdness.

Unfortunately, Blogger only allows me to put up 5 pictures per post, so I couldn’t show you all I wanted too. There’s more porn. More strangeness. More ethnic. Loads of underpants!
Click here for more photos.

They have Dollie Strangeness!

They Have Dollie Porn!

They Have Ethnic Dollies!

Well, I suppose everyone needs a hobby.


Blogger Lance Morrison said...

OMG! I can believe it took you three hours to find out that I blogged about you. Now I need another month to digest THAT!

No offence, it's not that your dolly collection was that much to comprehend; moreso, I've just had a lot of other shit to deal with these past few weeks, and your dollie site was not at hte top of my list.

I looked at it once, but very quickly. So I looked again today, and was amazed. I love your photos. I hope you're not gonna sue me for using them.... I'll take them off if you want.

FYI: Christini Martini is a huge fan of your site. She's almost as big of a Dollie Fan as you guys are. And I'm as big an UNDERPANTS fan as you guys appear to be!

May 04, 2006 12:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its true Lance is a fan of underpants, though I have never seen any dollies in them...

Those guys make beautiful dollies!
I want my dollies to be hairdressed by them and I want an afro-american! Dollies!!!!!!

May 04, 2006 4:01 PM  
Blogger Robert Mitchell L.L. said...

I love Mary Collins. So pretty.

May 04, 2006 6:11 PM  
Blogger Lance Morrison said...

I was hoping to post a picture of Mary Collins: The Human Hair Superstar, but blogger wasn;t about to allow me any more photos.
I wasl owante to show everyone Phillip, the Transexual Celine Dion impersonator. Alas.

May 05, 2006 1:31 AM  

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