Happy Friend-iversary, Cell Phone Boy.
1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was Cell Phone Boy.
Without trying to sound too hokey, I just wanted to tell the story about meeting the (in)famous Cell Phone Boy. A meeting that took place 2 years ago today.
Having just moved to Toronto weeks earlier, I found myself in Bell World waiting to get served from one of the energetic, enthusiastic, informed and non-pushy sales experts that one comes to expect from Retail Outlets. Instead, I got Cell Phone Boy. This lack luster, couldn’t-care-less employee that only wanted to serve me because I was wearing (what he refers to as) my ‘Cock Pants’.
“I need a cell phone.”
“See one you like?”
“Well, this is what I need. I travel. I like outside display. I don’t need games. I don’t need a camera. The backlight needs to match the keypad light.”
“Well, here are some. Really, it doesn’t matter to me. You pick.”
For the first time ever, I was being served by a commissioned sales person that was not trying to push me into buying all the bells and whistles that go along with cell phone technology. We spent more time talking about the fact that we both had just moved to the city, than we did talking about mobility. We discovered that I was a hairstylist and he needed a new hairstylist. He had just moved from Alberta. I had just moved from Yellowknife. In just over an hour I was all hooked up to the Bell Network and he had my business card.
Two days later, he was in my chair getting my haircut and I told him of my (now defunct) website. The website that he got my email address from and emailed to see if I wanted to hang out. And so it begins….
Within weeks we were known to our friends as RandyLance, due to the fact that we did EVERYTHING together. If I went to a movie, he was there. If he was at cocktails, I was there. We could call each other and say, “Oh, we have plans with Suzy B. tonight.” Or “We’re going to see ___________ movie on Saturday with Rae.” We knew each others social schedule, because they were one and the same.
The past two years have been filled to overflowing with Madonna. Beth Orton. Sarah Brightman. Liza Minnelli. Tori Amos. Margaret Cho. Tracy Turnblad. Elpheba and Galinda. Alexander Keiths. Line Dancing. Drag Queens. Line dancing drag queens. Mormon costumes. Three turkeys & a chicken. Dinners out. Dinners in. Thousands of tears and millions of laughs. Roller skating. Lap dances. Break-ups. Make-ups. And one hell of a mullet.
No offence to anyone else, but I’ve never known anyone who has been able to make me laugh more. Nobody that I’ve trusted more. He’s my number 1 and I wouldn’t give him up for the world.
Happy Second Friend-iversary, Cell Phone Boy. Looking forward to several more.