Monday, August 14, 2006

A Night to Remember!

This past Saturday night was a night that I will hold in my memory bank forever.

It all started back in February. While listening to ‘The Wizard of Oz’ soundtrack (homosexual men are required to do this at least once every quarter, or we lose our status) and having a gay old sing-a-long, I had a stroke of genius. An Epiphany, even! I was going to rent a movie projector and host a Wizard of Oz sing-a-long party on my back patio when my landlords were away on summer vacation.

Well, plans had to be changed. A few key players we not going to be able to make it on the day I had set aside, and I couldn’t bear to do my little party without The Lesbians. “Fear not!” I told myself. “A party will still be had. Changes in the program make life more interesting.” So I went forth with my plans, just scratched off Dorothy… and her little dog, too.

Instead, the night’s theme was this: 1950’s drive-in movie night. I borrowed a brilliant DVD projector from my friend, Fat Girl, and went through my stash of classic movies (& rented a few extra for good measure). Guests were greeted with an array of Popcorn (regular AND extra butter), liquorice, Nibs, M&M’s (Milk chocolate AND Peanut), Mild Duds, and White Cheddar Popcorn Seasoning (gross, I know. The Boyfriend loves it. The things I do for that man.)

And of course a selection of red wine, white wine, beer, vodka and gin.

I must thank my first guests for helping with the setup. I would have liked to have gotten everything ready before you arrived, but I just can’t lift the couch by myself. That’s right, the couch. I pulled my couch, my bed and my satellite chair onto the patio as well. I set up the projector and the accompanying 6 speakers and mixed myself a cocktail.

Back inside, my guests were deciding on the night’s program. Tonight, we would start with ‘An Affair to Remember’, the 1957 classic starring Cary Grant (the man who invented debonair) and Deborah Kerr. You might remember the references to this movie in 1993’s ‘Sleepless in Seattle’.

Such a beautiful love story. You could feel the emotion on the screen, even as we mocked and joked throughout the whole thing… much to The Great Scot’s chagrin. It was a beautiful night, and this picture created a great mood. Looking around, you could see everyone cuddling and snuggling up to one another.

At the stroke of midnight (and noting the fact that one of my neighbours was out of town), we popped in something darker; Alfred Hitchcock’s 1951 thriller, ‘Strangers on a Train’. Here, two men (Farley Granger as Tennis star ‘Guy’ & Robert Walker as the mysterious ‘Bruno’) meet on a train. Bruno, who hates his father, has done his homework to find out that Guy hates his wife, and offers a proposal: You kill mine, I’ll kill yours. Only Guy doesn’t think he’s serious until Bruno strangles his wife to death.

A perfect Hitchcock treat.

The night was beautiful; low wind, and just cool enough that a blanket and a cuddle would suffice to keep warm.

Again surrounded by great friends, I can’t think of a more perfect night to end my time in Cabbagetown. I may be leaving my apartment in a few short weeks, but the memories I’ve had, like this past weekend, will stay with me forever.

Special Note To Warner Bros. & 20th Century Fox: This event was free of charge to my guests, and I did not profit a cent, so please do not sue


Blogger Robert Mitchell L.L. said...

I guess I do not get to blog about it now.....I had a title and everything "A night with the stars under the stars".....maybe I will anyway

August 14, 2006 9:25 PM  
Blogger Lance Morrison said...

You ought. We both wrote about squirrel pee, why not this?

August 14, 2006 11:43 PM  
Blogger Mood Indigo said...

This sounds like the perfect summer party. If my patio were larger than my bathtub I would copy you in an instant! I'll have to work on a variation of some sort :)

August 16, 2006 7:54 PM  
Blogger Lance Morrison said...

Oh, just find a friend with a yard. It's so wonderful, and totally worth any effort of moving furniture and popping 12 bags of popcorn.

B&W movies are perfect, but a musical would also be nice. Imagine 'Moulin Rouge', under the stars (or, if you life in Toronto, under the smog).

August 16, 2006 8:12 PM  

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