Thursday, July 27, 2006

Cirque de So Gay pt.2

So, here’s the deal:

You go.
You pay your $25.
You watch one demonstration.
You get attached to your harness.
You climb a 946 foot ladder that’s held together with spirit gum and faith.
You stand on a platform that’s 10in x 3ft.
You grab onto a bar with one hand.
You grab on with the other.
You jump.
You Swing. Hook Legs.
You Swing. Drop arms. Bend your back.
You Swing. Grab on with hands.
You Swing. Drop legs.
You Swing. Perform double back flip.
You land safely into net.

Repeat steps 4-14, four times.
Meet with friends for cocktails afterwards to calm your nerves and ‘come down’.

Essentially, that was trapeze class. It also happened to be the MOST FUN I HAVE HAD IN TWO HOURS (outside of the bedroom), IN A VERY VERY LONG TIME.

Friday nights are Trapeze drop-in (pardon the pun) nights at The Toronto School of Circus Arts. Our class was eighteen people strong, but it can vary between as low as four people, and as high as 25. At first I though it would be boring, just sitting around while other people flew about, but as everyone was at different levels, it was great too see others perform tricks that we have yet to learn (note the emphasis on ‘yet’).

Definitely going back. No question. After waiting 7 months for the class, I’m hooked. I believe I may even take the full course when I can afford to drop the $700. Until then, I will be at liberty of the drop-in offerings.

Anybody want to join in? The group than went (Cell Phone Boy, Debbie Gibson, Sideshow Elissa, The Late One and I) have made a pact to go every other payday, and are more than willing to accept more guests and / or go on other Fridays as well. Also note, I think my birthday party will be held there… at least the start of it.


1: One of my class mates was a four year old girl named Belinda. She climbed the ladder with ease, jumped on the bar like a pro, and hooked her legs as any four year old that has ever been to a Jungle-gym could. But when the instructor called out for her to drop her arms, she replied (mid-swing; from the rafters), “I don’t think I want to! I think I want to come down now.” A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!

2: Edited out because, apparently, Cell Phone Boy wouldn’t want me to tell everyone that he farted out loud, in our direction. Oops.


Blogger With Love, Fat Girl said...

Well of course you're good at swinging and bending, you've had so much... previous practice :D

July 27, 2006 11:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that wasn't all that was holding the ladder together ... there were crossed fingers (a dozen even) ... chance ... prayer ... a little bit of luck and a lack of breeze ... spirit gum and faith? please, everone knows that alone won't hold up a ladder ... but will get you laid! :)

July 28, 2006 6:08 PM  
Blogger Lance Morrison said...

Fat Girl: I dare say, I have no idea to whom you've been speaking, but I assure you... it's all true.

Cell Phone Boy: You make me laugh. Also... when are you gonna learn to use your 'shift' key to make CAPITOL letters? You should try it; it's fun (and proper use of the English language commands it).

July 29, 2006 1:37 AM  
Blogger The Tormented Girl said...

Hey, you linked me! You really, really linked me teeheee! Thanks! [Please note appropriate use of capital letters]

July 29, 2006 4:46 AM  
Blogger Lance Morrison said...

Tormented Girl: More than welcome, I'm sure. Thank YOU for the capital letter thing.

July 29, 2006 8:22 AM  
Blogger Robert Mitchell L.L. said...

I want to go!!!! Thanks for the bedroom comment.....good for my ego. It needs help. Sounds like FUN.

July 31, 2006 3:29 PM  
Blogger Lance Morrison said...

Why would your ego need help. You're the most wonderful man on the planet... and the hottest too.

You're always welcome to come to any trapeze class you desire.

August 01, 2006 1:47 PM  
Blogger With Love, Fat Girl said...

Oh good lord. Get a room!

August 01, 2006 11:33 PM  
Blogger Lance Morrison said...

We have a room. Two in fact.

August 02, 2006 9:26 AM  
Blogger With Love, Fat Girl said...

Well yay for you then. Have lots of sex. Have sex all the time. And don't tell me about it because I won't be having any for like, forever :P

August 02, 2006 11:27 PM  
Blogger Lance Morrison said...

Your mama.

August 03, 2006 1:30 AM  
Blogger With Love, Fat Girl said...

Can slap you silly.

August 04, 2006 7:01 AM  

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