Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Oscar Shmoscar. Give it up!

I can’t believe how many people are upset about the Oscars last weekend. Still, people are talking about it and giving their two cents. Get over it people!

Brokeback Mountain was not the Best Picture of the Year. Heath Ledger was not the Best Actor. Just because something is ‘Gay themed’ does not mean it was the best. If that was the case, Brokeback should have shared with TransAmerica and Capote.

But if we actually look at the movies for what they are, it is obvious that Brokeback should not have won. Crash was a better movie. As was Capote. In fact… my choice would have gone to Water, which was not nominated in any category. Ooops, it was just left out. In my opinion, Water's acting, direction, and cinematography were superior to anything else last year. It had a more important message and was much more powerful. Brokeback had 2 straight male actors kissing.

And it’s not just the viewers that are whining about this. Annie Proulx, the author of the short story that Brokeback was based on, wrote a 1094 word rant in The Guardian. She called the Academy voters “Heffalumps”, and continually referred to ‘Crash’ as “Trash”. She is calling shenanigans on the show, saying that Lions Gate (Crash’s distribution company) bribed the voters. She suggests, "If you are looking for smart judging based on merit, skip the Academy Awards next year and pay attention to the Independent Spirit choices." Well, if you don’t put any merit on the Academy, why are you so bitter about losing? This is a 70 year old woman, and she’s behaving like a 12 year old that lost the election for Class Secretary.

David Cronenberg, director of “A History of Violence” interviewed in The Toronto Star this week about his frustrations for not getting nominated. He says that he should have been nominated because everyone he talked to loved his film, but that this year, it was obvious the only pictures nominated were ones that were ‘Anti-Bush’ (referring to George W., not meaning gay movies). He says that his film was ‘too subtle’ for the voters. Then he expresses his annoyance to, fellow Canadian, Paul Haggis for using the title ‘Crash’, which is the title of Cronenberg’s 1996 film.

Essentially people, it’s a T.V. show. It happens once a year and that’s it. If Brokeback won, it would not have ended homophobia. If TransAmerica won, it would not make transgendered people more accepted. Just like Crashes win, did not end racism. It’s up to us to make a stand against all these issues, and to do it as adults, not 10 year olds.


Blogger With Love, Fat Girl said...

I wanted Munich to win for best picture. I thought it had the best message of all movies, considering its themes and the times we live in.

Eric Bana had a little (or a hell of a lot) to do with that too.

March 16, 2006 9:28 PM  

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