Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Looking Back

Last night, after much Valentines Day snuggling, The Boyfriend and I decided to look through his old photo albums. Perchance to laugh; perchance to smile. It was so much fun. It's always fun to look at pictures of friends from 5, 10, 20 years ago; especially if you never knew what they looked like back then. I also got a glimpse of some other friends from yesteryear that had made it into his photo album. Cousin Janet, you were so adorable at 7!

This prompted me to take a trip down my own memory lane. Funny. It's not as much fun looking at yourself at ten years old, as it is looking at The Boyfriend at the same age.

Things started well with this adorable photo. Obviously nervous, I clutch my tiny three year old hands and tighten my lips. My cute light brown wavy hair, gently highlighted by the flash, sits perfectly in an early 80's boy-bob. Cheeks just ready for pinching as I try to push my tongue through my lower lip. If I can maintain this cuteness, I'll be set!

As I got older, apparently I became bulimic and my cowlick really started to come into it's own. My once light hair has turned as dark as my aboriginal eyes. At some point in between these photo's I banged my eyebrow, as is apparent from the faint scar right above the glisten in my right eye. I am coming into my birthright as you can see; the first signs of the infamous Morrison nose (which I love, so make no comments on it), but those teeth! Teeth only a mother can love.
Still not completely grown into my teeth... or my cowlick, my Grade 6 photo is notable mainly because this is the year I got a choice in my clothing purchases. This is also the year that people started making reference to the Fred Savage resemblance.

One day, yes one day, I will be pretty.


Blogger Robert Mitchell L.L. said...

Fred Savage indeed! Oh my.

February 17, 2006 7:33 AM  

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